Skills vs Education what do you prefer

Skills vs Education: What do you prefer?

Skills vs Education what is more important for you?… We collect our degrees, try to apply for different professions and the biggest panic strikes in our lives when we find ourselves jobless, even after years of school and college education. So many Indian graduates are unemployed, why so? Here in this article, we will seriously talk around all the possible reasons, explanations and facts regarding this serious skill development crunch in the entire Indian education process and Indian system that concentrates on an instructor-based approach and rote learning. 

India is advancing in the direction of development, and optimal speed can only be achieved via a combination of knowledge and skills. Every year millions of youngsters graduate from various educational courses in India, but the majority of them remain jobless. 

According to an old report in 2015 around 1.5 lakh, engineering scholars passed from 650 colleges, but 80% remains jobless. Despite some initiatives brought by the Indian government towards augmenting skill development, there still exists a huge gap between supply and demand. The majority of scholars are voicing their frustration regarding limited job opportunities and corporate looking for quality talent.

Many points should be taken care of and worked on:- The curriculum we are taught is quite ancient, which needs to be updated now as it has nothing to do with real-time scenarios.

Nowadays, everyone is using the shortcut method to achieve success without any effort. Here success means marks (everyone is following marks) because of the cutoff percentage of every exam. The finite use of technology in the school and college classroom is another obstacle in developing applicable job-ready skills among the learners.

Skills vs Education

Let’s compare skills and degrees individually and discuss their importance…

Degree [Education]:-

Firstly, I would like to dispel a misconception that a college degree is not just to satisfy the purpose of getting a job. There are a lot more benefits that affect all parts of our life; intellectual, artistic, ethical, social, porting, personal, and so much more.

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Your experience may guide you that ‘doing it that way does not work’, but education (college degree) gives you the theoretical understanding and analytical skill to reveal why it does not work. A degree develops the ability to learn in-depth and increases the pace of learning.


Nowadays everyone seems to have a degree, there is a tendency to jump straight into starting degree education as soon as possible to have a degree. But is it the proper way to proceed? 

As per another report, the top 20% of ITI degree holders get more salaries than the bottom 20% of engineers. Skilling is not the only thing to get a job, but something that needs to be integrated into college education.

There is a huge gap between the number of degree holders per year and the associated career and job metrics. The majority of graduates are said to be not able to get paid employment due to a lack of skills or qualifications. This is because everyone has a graduation degree, but most of them do not have the required skills to survive in today’s ever-evolving job industry.

Conclusion [ Skills vs Education ]:

Well, after reading this article you might be concluding that skill is more important than a degree. But we think both have their own importance, and we cannot ignore them. If one has skill with proper qualification and good self-confidence, will go to a higher rank in the industry. Skill will help a person to earn fast in the industry.  

If someone only has the skills without any degree, companies probably won’t hire him or her. For example, an individual may be a mechanic but with no engineering degree or qualification, he cannot claim he is an engineer.

A degree is a tool to acquire a position in a company or firm but it requires skill to do the job properly. The ideal is an acceptable combination of both theoretical understanding and practical knowledge, and we believe this is better. But there is a disclaimer, as we have not stated hard it to you, it is up to you to choose what is more important for you.

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